The Puget Sound Area’s Top Lice Removal Services
At LCA Bellevue we provide those in the Kirkland area with proven solutions for pediculus humanus capitis. While you may believe that head lice is a condition that was prominent decades ago, it is still just as common today – perhaps even more so, given how children and teens like to post “selfies” on social media sites. If you are in search of a one treatment lice solution that is safe and convenient, you will want to learn more about our non chemical options including the most effective on the market today, the AirAllé system.
Imagine being able to kill head lice in just an hour’s time, rather than spending days or even weeks using OTC and prescription products containing pesticides and that require multiple applications. Back in the day, it was a huge hassle and lots of work, not to mention the mess involved. Even then, you could not be certain the infestation was completely cleared up. Today, natural lice treatment works to remove those pesky buggers and their nits, without the mess, time, effort, and inconvenience. Our most popular and effective solution involves using the AirAllé system, which essentially dries out those nasty nits/eggs and with our comb out and active rinse our 3-step process we kill those bugs once and for all in just over an hour!
Our professional technicians understand that some clients are in need of safe head lice treatment that suits their budgets. In addition to our preferred method, we also offer options for those who prefer to do it yourself at home, or have our technicians perform the AirAllé treatment with you completing the process at home. Regardless of which option you choose, you can rest assured we help you remove head lice without the use of pesticides or other harsh ingredients using products that are gentle to hair and scalp. Ready for a real solution that is convenient, effective, and easy? We invite Kirkland area residents to contact LCA Bellevue today to learn more or schedule an appointment. Just call 425-390-8445 and put an end to the stress and inconvenience of other methods!